Why Gold Matters: Everything You Need to Know

Gold as an Investment

Before jumping on the gold bandwagon, let us first put a damper on the enthusiasm around gold and examine some reasons why investing in gold poses some fundamental issues.

The main problem with gold is that, unlike other commodities such as oil or wheat, it does not get used up or consumed. Once gold is mined, it stays in the world. A barrel of oil, on the other hand, is turned into gas and other products that are expended in your car’s gas tank or an airplane’s jet engines. Grains are consumed in the food we and our animals eat. Gold, on the other hand, is turned into jewelry, used in art, stored in ingots locked away in vaults, and put to a variety of other uses. Regardless of gold’s final destination, its chemical composition is such that the precious metal cannot be used up—it is permanent.

Because of this, the supply-demand argument that can be made for commodities such as oil and grains doesn’t hold so well for gold. In other words, the supply will only go up over time, even if demand for the metal dries up.

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